The Graduate Fund

£2,626 has been raised from 13 donors.

We are delighted to be able to welcome a growing number of talented graduates to Keble thanks to the new graduate and research centre, the H. B. Allen Centre. Oxford-educated graduate students enrich the College community by proving teaching to undergraduates, and diversifying the student make-up given their mostly international profile. Graduate research impacts some of the world’s greatest challenges, be it in the fields of drug development, conflict resolution or climate change.

Keble has established a Graduate Fund to assist graduates with the costs of their academic research. Unlike some of the wealthier colleges, Keble has a limited amount of money that can be used to support the research expenses of graduates, including contributions towards the purchase of study related equipment, the cost of attending conferences and travel incurred in connection with the consultation of materials unavailable in Oxford.

There is clearly a growing need for financial support of graduates. In 2017-18 there were 30 recipients and awards totalled £6,000. In 2022-23 there were 83 recipients and awards totalled £19,715. Most awards are made at the upper award limit which is now £400. We are currently not able to provide support for all those who request it (graduates must provide proof of need, and detail how the support would be used).

“We would like to be able to make more awards and at a higher level, to support fieldwork, where there is a more direct effect on research. Most requests to the Fund are to attend conferences and at the moment we are able to make a contribution rather than cover the full costs. A number of graduates need support for overseas fieldwork, or to attend research-related workshops, and there is a strong case that this investment would have a significant impact on their research outcomes.”

Ali Rogers, Senior Tutor

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2 months, 2 weeks ago
Rachelle Stretch donated
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Joseph Jewell donated $50.00
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Roberto Alvarez Landeros donated
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Mojdeh Keykhah donated $150.00
2 months, 2 weeks ago
John Lin donated $1000.00
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Holger Roggelin donated $100.00